Nicole, my older sister by 16 months, just had her second baby boy tonight. And get this: her kids are 16 months apart. Which is pretty funny, if you ask me.
His name, you ask? Dominick Shane. But they are calling him Nick for short. I'm not sure on the rest of the details (weight, etc.) yet, but I know he has arrived and I'm itching to see him in a couple weeks when we'll be in town for my 10 year high school reunion. Yikes. Has it really been that long? I'm getting old.
Welcome little Nick. We love you already!
Tonight Ryan and I realized that Dylan's new word is ididit -
I think he believes that 'I did it' is in fact one word, meaning 'I've pooped.' Whatever Dylan. At least you're getting your point across. And we are VERY proud. Even if it does mean that we are required to change yet another dirty diaper...