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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Full Bloom

Another day at the Huntington Gardens, this time with our friend Kathy. We enjoyed some sandwiches with our chips and strawberries. Then we took a long walk around the Desert, Palm, and Rose Gardens.

Dylan especially enjoyed smelling the roses, which were lovely and in full bloom.

Kathy decided that the red ones where her favorite, while I decided on any that smelled the most fragrant. Dylan just copied us, smelling as many as he could along the way!
And Daddy? Well, he had the camera.

At first I didn't much like The Desert Gardens when we started coming here (especially on really hot days), but they are really growing on me. This picture of the cactus almost seems to be in motion.

This part of the gardens can have the most exotic and bright colored blooms.

The Children's Garden was a popular spot for many today.

If you look closely, you can see the hills in the background here.

The waterbells.

Always a hit!

And where Dylan was egged on (by the very mischievous Ryan and Kathy) to dunk his head in the water...

Since it was such a warm, sunny day, we made a special effort to visit the mist and rainbow makers in the Children's area.
Here Dylan took a rest-break with Mommy and Kathy while the bigger kids ran around in the mist.
Also note that Dylan is SOAKED by this point after his first round in the waterbells.

And the vibrating water. Refreshing cool water on our hands after a long warm walk.

p.s. At the start of our walk, Dylan insisted on walking alongside us. He fell down and scraped up his right knee. And for the rest of the day, he was very concerned about his "owie," checking on his band aid (thanks to Kathy who had a little first-aid kit in her purse) and pointing out his "kneeeee" in case we had forgotten.

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Thanks for inviting me. And for the free pass. It was a really great day of sun, flowers, strawberries, conversation and toddler watching.
Except for the Dr. Pepper explosion, it was a perfect day.
Oh...and you splashing water on me. THAT was totally uncalled for.
And if you try to dispute my version of the story, look closely at that picture. I am the one who has water on my jeans.


I cannot believe how tall Dylan is getting. Slow that growing down, will you!


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