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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day with Dad

Yesterday (Saturday) Briana had to work so I had Dylan for the day. We bummed around the house in the morning; he played, ate breakfast. Here's a few pics of him playing with his toy food (from Kathy). These are wood versions of fruit and vegetables with velcro so he can "cut" the food in half with the toy knife that came with the set (don't worry, its blunt and also made of wood).
Later we picked up some lunch and met mommy during her lunch break. We went around the corner to the park for Dylan to play on the playground.

We capped the day with a bubble-bath. I was in the tub with him, but we censored those pictures. I'm sure you won't mind!




Hey, thanks for the link you made to me. I am going to need a blogger lesson from you someday soon. I have lots of questions. :)

I will never understand what Dylan sees in that wooden fruit and vegetable toy.
But, his Mom told me he would like it. And she was right.

I see a wooden entree and dessert toy in this kid's birthday future. ;)


Oh, my son would love some wooden fruits and vegetables...although, I think we'll wait 'till he's a little older. He has a lot of the light-plastic variety, and he chucks them all around the house.

I see lots of bruises and things breaking if I get him anything wooden just yet...

Great pictures, by the way. Looks like an excellent father-son sort of day. =)


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