I've been meaning to do this for a while now. A recap of some milestones, fun memories, and general data from the first year of Dylan's life.
MONTH ONE and TWO: Born July 7th, 2005. Weight 7lbs. 15oz.
Not gaining weight well. Lots of trips to pediatrician's office.
MONTH THREE:fun memories: first plane trip (to California)
HATES the car.
MONTH FOUR:weight: 11 lbs. 12 oz. (3rd percentile)
height: 50th percentile
milestones: localizing to voices, good muscle tone (per MD and Parents As Teachers lady), cooing.
fun memory: smiling and cooing at the
warning label in the inside of his carseat
back to work part-time.
MONTH FIVE:milestones: discovered his
feet, turns pages of books, starts
eating solidsfun memory: trip to Washington D.C. for Neuroscience Conference, meet
Uncle Matt in Baltimore,
finding teddy-bear,
tub eatingSTILL HATES the car.
MONTH SIX:weight: 12 lbs. 8 oz. (0-3rd percentile)
milestones: laughing, sitting
fun memories:
loves the tub, first cold,
Christmas in Chicago,
first snowMONTH SEVEN:milestones: crawling
fun memories: trip to California, daddy's Ph.D. defense.
MONTH EIGHT:fun memories:
move to California,
Santa Monica Beach trip, visit
cousin Andrew,
MONTH NINE:milestones:
first two teeth, enjoys doing
"dental work"fun memories:
Huntington Gardens and lots of walks with mommy
Mommy has lasik eye surgery.
MONTH TEN:weight: 19 lbs. (25th percentile)
height: 29.5 inches (75-90th percentile)
peek-a-boo, rocking himself to sleep, loves shoes and doorstops, first
picklefun memories:
falling asleep in jumper, start stroller strides with mommy, first
fingerpainting masterpieceMommy back to work 2 days a week and Dylan to daycare.
MONTH ELEVEN:milestones:
cruising and first 2 steps,
clappingfun memories: discovered
boxesMONTH TWELVE:weight: 22lbs. (50th percentile)
height: 31.5 inches (90th percentile)
first words,
walkingfun memories: first time in the
sand at the beach, loves
toothbrushes and
Katie & Julie visit, gymboree, first 4th of July
fireworks, tackling Thaddeus
Labels: milestone/firsts